May 15, 2008

In it for the long haul

Today was the first day of bar review courses. Today's topic: property law! Ok I can handle that. I'm really glad I took that real estate transactions class. Despite that semester of boredom I have at least heard of these terms once before (not necessarily claiming to know what they mean).

Tomorrow is torts. I was also fortunate to have had a good torts instructor who actually made us memorize elements.

I could really go for some ginger ale to settle this lingering stomach ache. fizzle fizzle...

May 14, 2008

Welcome Baby

Baby Simon arrived at 1:42 am this morning weighing 6 pounds 12 ounces. He is so very cute and sweet. I can't wait to see what he has in store!

May 11, 2008

Thanks Mom

In honor of this day dedicated to mothers I think it is important that I take a minute and thank my mom for all she has given me. I am grateful for her free spirit and strong devotion to her children. I realize all that she gave up to raise my sister and I and mold us into good and caring individuals.

She set standards as to how we are supposed to treat others and also how others are supposed to treat us. We are encouraged to follow our hearts and always help out the needy and downtrodden. Her ability to instill these values is reflected in both my sister's and my career choices. She taught us to always look for the beauty in those things that initially appear to be ugly and find the value in things that may appear to be worthless. No one and no task is beneath us and there is something to be learned from everyone you encounter.

Thanks Mom for teaching by example and showing me the kind of person I strive to be.

May 09, 2008

Organization Overload

Now that I have a little more time on my hands before bar review classes begin I have become obsessed with organizing. I find myself googling organizational strategies and checklists and printing labels for everything including the cat food container. I have justified my actions by saying it is imperative that things be in place upon the merging of my and my fiance's belongings.

But I am at a turning has no longer become fun and has taken on a life of its own. I have to make a decision to continue the process or just throw everything back in the closet and close the door.

Because of my control freak, type A personality I think I must finish for my own peace of mind but this is my disclaimer...if you come over and the dog has a label stuck to her forehead containing all of her vital information please ignore (and don't remove...its meant to be there).

May 06, 2008

Little Sister Graduates!

While I was supposed to be studying for my non-profits exam I found something much more joyous and exciting to do...celebrate little sister's graduation.

It has been a long road for her but she should be extremely proud of all the hard work and countless hours of studying that have brought her to this celebratory occasion. Whether it was switching courses of study, dealing with Fibromyalgia, or floods in her closet she remained dedicated. While many even within her department made it unnecessarily difficult for her to accomplish her goals she persevered. Shamefully, while I begged her to go shopping on a Sunday afternoon she stood steadfast and continued highlighting pretty much every word in her notes. The fact that she began her graduate work without any time off the following Monday is a testament to her work ethic.

Congratulations little sister on a job well have more than earned it.

The final final

I have officially completed all of my required coursework and taken all of my final exams making me eligible for graduation! I'm finally done with law school. It's been a long three years and I am very relieved that the nights of my nose in a book while everyone else can hang out, watch tv, and have a life are over!

Except until bar review begins...May 15th!

April 30, 2008

What's your biggest weakness?

Interview tomorrow and I have no idea how to answer that question.

hmmm, your honor I guess my biggest weakness is that i leave dirty clothes all over my room or sometimes i have low self esteem or I'm an axe murderer...but don't worry my therapist and I have that under control.

Or I could go with the advice of career services and say something negative that really is a positive...well sometimes I get too consumed in my work and forget I have a life outside of the office or I find myself taking way too much of my work home to finish. Like a judge won't see right through that.

We'll see what I come up with.